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BOS Minutes June 21, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 21, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:03PM.

SUBJECT: CLD Consulting Engineers

HIGHLIGHTS:  John Byatt, JoAnn Fryer and Shannon Beaumont representing CLD Consulting Engineering held a public hearing to explain to the abutters and town residents on how the complete replacement of Webster Mills Bridge will affect the Town.  Mr. Byatt presented the Town with a drawing of the proposed bridge showing details of the construction and the finished product.  Mr. Byatt said the bridge’s span would increase to 24 feet with 2 foot paved shoulders on each side of the roadway.  He said the raise will be 6 feet 7 inches.  He said that 3, 400 square feet of the wetlands will be impacted.  The cost of the project was originally estimated to be around $360,000 to $420,000, but, is now projected to be approximately $560,000.  The State of New Hampshire will pay 80% of the cost.

Each abutter will be asked to sign a Right of Entry Easement allowing workers to cross or use their property while the construction is going on.  This easement is in effect for one year after the completion of the bridge.  Residents will not lose any property.  The Town will secure a permanent easement to maintain the roadside as necessary.  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally advised the residents that rescue squads and fire departments in Epsom and Pittsfield will be advised of the replacement of the bridge, as some time in the Summer of 2006 the bridge will be closed for 4-6 weeks.  Traffic will be detoured for those weeks.  

SUBJECT: Trustees of Trust Funds

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Trustee of Trust Funds met with the Selectmen as requested by the Selectmen.  Previously a member of the Trust of Trusts Funds met with the Board with some concerns with another member of the Board.  He felt that information was not being shared with other members of the Trustees of Trust.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Board was under the impression (from the March 29, 2005 meeting) that all documents were current with  the Attorney General’s Office.  He made reference to a letter that was received and reviewed from Terry Knowles, attorney for the Attorney General’s Office.  The letter stated that the Town of Chichester was missing MS9 forms.  It was discovered that the letter was sent in error as Attorney Knowles is working with Andrea Deachman, a member of the Trustee of Trust Funds. Ms. Deachman told the Board that 1998;1999;2000;2001;2002 and 2003 MS9 forms have been filed with the Attorney General. Ms. Deachman stated that she had to re-calculate the 2003 MS9 form prior to its submission as the computer had crashed.  Ms. Deachman also explained that the reason the MS9’s were delinquent was that someone had set up a spreadsheet and that someone else down loaded Lotus.  The two programs were not compatible; therefore, when the interest was being entered into the program, the program was not calculating the interest for each individual account.  This incident has been happening since 1998 and no one realized the interest was not being broken out for each account.

Ms. Deachman stated that she was working on 2004’s MS9 and it will be filed by July 29, 2005.  Selectman Colbert was concerned that the other members of the Trustees of Trust Funds are not being in the “loop” as to what was going on. He said he did not want one person doing the job.  Ms. Deachman said she is keeping the other members in the loop and the way the records were kept in the past, they were incorrect and she did not want to show the other members of the Trustee of Trust Funds the incorrect way of keeping the records.  

Chairman DeBold asked the Trustees of the Trust Fund if they had access to the computer and other documentation.  Ms. Deachman answered in the affirmative.  Chairman DeBold asked Ms. Deachman if she takes documents home, she said the only thing she takes home is deposits when she is going to the bank the next morning.

SUBJECT: Deb Soule, member of the Conservation Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Ms. Soule brought in an example of the Conservation Committee’s website.  Ms. Soule asked the Selectmen if the Conservation Committee’s website could be linked to the Town website.  The Selectmen reviewed the documents and agreed that the Conservation Committee’s website could be linked to the Town website.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold said he spoke with Jon Lukmil about Old Home Day.  Mr. Lukmil told Chairman DeBold that donations and contributions were down.

Selectman Colbert said that he had some questions for the fire department regarding the GMC K-1 rescue truck.  

Patty said she spoke with Attorney Matt Serge regarding the letter that Attorney Bart Mayer sent to the Weathervane.  She told Attorney Serge that the Weathervane had not responded to the letter sent by Attorney Mayer.  Attorney Serge asked Patty if the Selectmen wanted to move forward with a Injunctive Relief and Declaratory Judgment.  Patty passed this information on to the Selectmen.  Chairman DeBold and Selectmen Colbert were in favor of moving ahead.  Selectman MacCleery abstained.

Patty shared with the Selectmen a letter for volunteers to sign.  Patty told the Selectmen that by the advise of Linda Pandolfi who is part of the Risk Management Department at Local Government Center, that all volunteers should be identified by the Town and the Town should keep a record of who is a volunteer.  Chairman DeBold asked Patty to get a copy of RSA 508:17 to attach to the letter.

Patty spoke with the Selectmen about the Staples Account and showed them a memo that included a breakdown of each accounts’ expenditures and payments.  Patty said that she hopes this issue will be put to rest and that according to her calculations each account is current.  She suggested that the Town of Chichester have one Staples Account.  It would be a “Parent/Child” account.  Meaning that the Selectmen’s office would be the “Parent Account” and other departments would be the “Child Account”.  There would be one monthly statement that shows the activity of all departments.  Patty believes that having this type of account will avoid future problems.

Patty stated that she had been doing some “housekeeping” in the past week and discovered that the Planning Board was asked for documentation to be filed with the Town Clerk and to date the documents have not been produced.  The documents that are not on file with the Town Clerk are the Planning Board’s Rules and Procedures and a letter naming the Road Agent as designate of the issuance of the driveway permits.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from June14, 2005 were reviewed and signed

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert